Getting a cheap Tyranid codex on eBay is proving to be more difficult than I though, but in the meantime I’ve been working on a few bits of terrain and a game board.
In truth I don’t see myself ever building/playing massive armies, and so I’ve decided to just make a small board out of two 3 ft. x 2 ft. cork notice boards (for a total playing area of 3x4) and I’m planning to cover the join (where the frames of the two boards meet) with a raised road section.
And since I already have a few Hirst Arts moulds (which I’ve used to make a few pieces of D&D terrain in the past) I’ve been building a few bits and pieces from some of the spare blocks that I have lying around.
So here’s a quick snapshot of part of an imperial perimeter wall or something (apologies for the quality of the picture - it is the only one from a batch of about 10 that I took that is in focus):
In truth I don’t see myself ever building/playing massive armies, and so I’ve decided to just make a small board out of two 3 ft. x 2 ft. cork notice boards (for a total playing area of 3x4) and I’m planning to cover the join (where the frames of the two boards meet) with a raised road section.
And since I already have a few Hirst Arts moulds (which I’ve used to make a few pieces of D&D terrain in the past) I’ve been building a few bits and pieces from some of the spare blocks that I have lying around.
So here’s a quick snapshot of part of an imperial perimeter wall or something (apologies for the quality of the picture - it is the only one from a batch of about 10 that I took that is in focus):
Pretty much everything here is made from plaster of paris blocks that I’ve cast from the Hirst Arts moulds - with the exception of the imperial eagle (which was left over from the chimera) and the pinheads (used to represent the rusty bolts) and two small bits of a paperclip (to represent the steel rods in the reinforced concrete).