It’s been a while since I updated the blog… but I have been working (off and on) on a few pieces here and there, and so over the next couple of days I thought I would add a few pictures and things.
But first off, I did manage to pick up a cheap Tyranid codex on Ebay, and I also picked up a single tyranid warrior sprue (I think together they cost less than £10).
I then used the tyranid warrior (and a few other bits and pieces) to create the following…
…a Ravener…
…and a Zoanthrope…
For the Ravener I used mainly tyranid warrior parts – aside from the middle talons (which are from the genestealer sprue), and the lower talons (which are from a hormagaunt – but shortened somewhat). The only other thing I used (aside from a bit of greenstuff here and there) was one of the armour plate thingies from the biomorph sprue - which I used to fill the gap between the armour plates upon it's back (between the upper and lower torso pieces).
For the Zoanthrope I used the spare head from a tyranid warrior with an adrenal gland underneath to represent the exposed brain. I also had to extend the armour plates on the top of the head a little (using one of the additional armour plates you get on the genestealer sprue) to accommodate the extra length of the head & brain.
The upper torso is a plastic gaunt (that has been cut in half to remove the legs), and the abdomen is the front half of a devourer gun. I also added two more of the aforementioned armour plates to the top of the creature's back, and widened the neck a little by gluing a toxin sack to each side (I'll use these to represent some kind of gland that poisons the air with the 'toxic miasma' effect).
It's main arms are made in two parts - the top part being the upper halves of spinefist arms, and the bottom halves being the lower part of a gaunt's legs. It's secondary arms are already present on the original gaunt body.
The whole thing has then been pinned into the nest-like egg-sack thingies, with the pin being hidden with a few more (greenstuff) tentacles. All the areas were also tidied up with greenstuff (to fill in any holes, make the joins less obvious, extend armour plates, etc.) during the course of making the model.
So at this moment in time I have around 400 points of tyraninds (though with only one ‘troops choice’ thus far) to borrow to anyone I know who wants to learn the game.