Friday, 1 February 2008

Colour Scheme

Seeing as how I’m probably going to have a lot of infantry miniatures to paint I have decided that ‘dipping’ them is the way to go.

I read about the technique a while back and I’ve already tried it on a few fantasy RPG miniatures with varying success, and it basically involves painting just the base colours on a miniature and then ‘dipping’ it (head first) into a tin of woodstain or similar. Then all you do is shake off the excess into a box and let the woodstain shade/stain the miniature in a similar way to an ink wash/glaze.

I think there is a company selling a specific dipping stain, but I’ve instead opted for a somewhat cheaper option. The stuff I’m going to be using is a cheap tin of ‘medium oak’ water based woodstain that cost me a whole £2.79 (I think).

However, I found that using it ‘as is’ doesn’t always work very well and so I have been watering it down a little (and applying it liberally with a brush rather than actually ‘dipping’), and been getting reasonable results.

Anyway, I did a couple of different colour schemes on a few of the old plastics I have (mainly ones already badly assembled or ones I have no heads for etc.) – just to see what colours would work OK when I ‘dip’ them, and this is the colour scheme I have settled on.

Admittedly the paint job itself doesn’t look great, but once there’s a few of these guys on the table they should look OK


Anonymous said...

Yes I would like to know the colors you used.

csp_kris said...

(note GW = games workshop paint / RP = ral partha paint)

I undercoat them with white primer (RP).
Skin = 1 part elf flesh (GW) / 1 part dwarf flesh (GW)
Clothes = khaki (RP)
Armour = dark grey (RP)
Boots & belt = umber (RP)
Metals = boltgun metal (GW)
Base = leather brown (RP)

Also, seeing as how the 'dip' is not dark enough to shade the boots colour, I add a quick highlight of 1 part umber / 1 part leather brown to those areas.

Note that the reason I started using RP paint was mainly cost. The GW range currently costs £2 for 12ml and the RP range costs £0.80 for 15ml or £2.60 for 90ml (I'll try and get a picture up of the different paint pot sizes in a day or so).

csp_kris said...

...and the sergeants get 2 extra colours...

Teeth = coffee (RP)
Sergeant stripes = kommando khaki (GW)