Friday, 21 August 2009

Current 1000 point army breakdown

Here’s a better look at how I’ve got things organised at the moment:

HQ 1 : Company Command Squad
Captain Chard (bolt pistol), a Master of Ordnance, 2 vets, a mortar team, and N-zero-RK (a proxy for Nork Deddog).

* * *

HQ 2 : Lord Commissar
Lord Commissar Witt.

* * *

TROOPS 1 : Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command: Lieutenant Bromhead (bolt pistol), 2 flamers, and a mortar.
Squad 1: Grenade launcher and an autocannon.
Squad 2: Grenade launcher and a heavy bolter.
Squad 3: Lascannon.
Squad 4: Flamer

* * *

TROOPS 2 : Veteran Squad
Sergeant (plasma pistol), 3 meltaguns, and a chimera transport.

* * *

TROOPS 3 : Veteran Squad
Gunnery sergeant Bourne (a ‘Harker’ proxy), 3 plasma guns, and a missile launcher

* * *

2 scout sentinel squadrons (1 walker in each) with multilasers.

1000 points at last ...well 999 to be precise.

I’ve done a little reorganising, painted a few more models, and finally got the army up to 1000 points. I dare say it’s not a very competitive army at this stage (as I’ve had to include a lot of special characters just to make up the points) - but at least it is something I can use in a 1000 points game. Anyway, here’s a quick photo of the army as it stands at the moment (with a more detailed rundown to follow):

The one model that 40K folks might not recognise here is the robot looking figure that I will be using for an ogryn (I’ll eventually do a squad of these guys):

I remember that the imperial guard used to be able to field robots back in the day, and since I don’t really want to use any abhumans in the army I thought I might proxy them for some robot-looking figures. So for this one I have used most of the parts from a plastic mech figure that you can get from EM4 Miniatures (well actually you get a box of 5 mechs for £2.50). But to make it look a little more 40K-ish I’ve used most of an old powerfist to make one of its arms, and modified a grenade launcher somewhat to make the ripper gun arm. It also has an aerial from a vox-unit added to the top.

Sunday, 16 August 2009

Sentinel Pic's

Here is a closer look at the latest sentinel (pictured in the previous post):

Unlike the first one, this one came with two weapon options (multi-laser or heavy flamer), and so I thought I would have a go at magnetising both configurations (to make both options available to me when creating army lists). So here’s another look at it with the multi-laser attached:

As before, the large flat areas needed tidying up a little after the dip (and a slight highlight added to the corners) ...but once again, I think it hasn’t turned out too bad.

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Back up to 750pts

I’ve done some painting/assembling over the past few days, and (as the title suggests) I’ve managed to get the army back up to 750 points:

It’s probably not a very good 750 point list, as I've had to throw pretty much everything I have got painted together to make it, but at least it is something I can put down on the table (even though I’ve yet to play the current version of the game).

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Ebay Goodies

I know that in the last post I mentioned that I didn’t need to buy any new miniatures for a while, but I’ve been browsing the ‘guard’ section of ebay for the past few days - just in case I happen to spot a bargain.

So I guess it’s no surprise that these arrived in the post this today:

...which I got for the bargain price of £2.01 (plus £1.50 P&P) - which should be great for creating a few more special weapon guys / conversions without breaking the bank.

Thursday, 30 July 2009

New Codex?

It's been a while since I've done anything with my imperial guard, though I have recently taken a look at the new codex - and it seems that my old 750 point(ish) army now comes in at around 600 points.

While this is good for the battlefield (i.e. 150 points worth of 'more stuff' to throw at the enemy can't be a bad thing), I can see how many folks might think that it's not so great on the wallet.

Fortunately, I still have a number of unpainted guards lying around (and also another sentinel still on the sprue), so I don't really need to buy any more miniatures for a while - but those figures were supposed to get my 750pt army closer to 1000pts - but now that looks very unlikely.

Anyway, regardless of all that, I really like the idea of the new Master of Ordnance advisor in the new codex, though I really don't want to spend almost £10 on a pack of miniatures to get him.

So, since I have a lot of bits and pieces lying around, I figured I would have a go at making my own plastic version …and here's the result:

The body, legs, left hand, and backpack are all from the regular Cadian guardsmen sprue, and the right hand (shown here pressing a button) was from the heavy weapon sprue (which was originally on an arm that was supposed to be pointing out in the direction of the enemy).

The head is that of a space marine scout, and the arms are some really old guardsmen arms I've had lying around for quite some time.

The small scanner/radio thing in his hand is a space marine auspex (I think that's what it's called) with some of the top pointy things removed - and the centre one replaced with the aerial from the catachan radio backpack.

I know it doesn't look exactly like the Master of Ordnance miniature, but I think I will be good enough proxy in most games.

Thursday, 29 January 2009

What I’ve been up to (part 2)

Here’s a quick look at one of the other things I’ve been working on lately… another (hardened veteran) melta-gunner.

It’s pretty much the same as the last two I made, and consists of a normal Cadian torso, legs, and head (with the heavy weapons backpack included too), Catachan arms, and a space marine melta-gun.

So I can now put all three of these guys into one hardened veterans squad, and possibly ‘infiltrate’ or ‘deep strike’ them close to enemy armour.

Sunday, 25 January 2009

What I've been up to (part 1)

It’s been a while since I updated the blog… but I have been working (off and on) on a few pieces here and there, and so over the next couple of days I thought I would add a few pictures and things.

But first off, I did manage to pick up a cheap Tyranid codex on Ebay, and I also picked up a single tyranid warrior sprue (I think together they cost less than £10).

I then used the tyranid warrior (and a few other bits and pieces) to create the following…

…a Ravener…

…and a Zoanthrope…

For the Ravener I used mainly tyranid warrior parts – aside from the middle talons (which are from the genestealer sprue), and the lower talons (which are from a hormagaunt – but shortened somewhat). The only other thing I used (aside from a bit of greenstuff here and there) was one of the armour plate thingies from the biomorph sprue - which I used to fill the gap between the armour plates upon it's back (between the upper and lower torso pieces).

For the Zoanthrope I used the spare head from a tyranid warrior with an adrenal gland underneath to represent the exposed brain. I also had to extend the armour plates on the top of the head a little (using one of the additional armour plates you get on the genestealer sprue) to accommodate the extra length of the head & brain.

The upper torso is a plastic gaunt (that has been cut in half to remove the legs), and the abdomen is the front half of a devourer gun. I also added two more of the aforementioned armour plates to the top of the creature's back, and widened the neck a little by gluing a toxin sack to each side (I'll use these to represent some kind of gland that poisons the air with the 'toxic miasma' effect).

It's main arms are made in two parts - the top part being the upper halves of spinefist arms, and the bottom halves being the lower part of a gaunt's legs. It's secondary arms are already present on the original gaunt body.

The whole thing has then been pinned into the nest-like egg-sack thingies, with the pin being hidden with a few more (greenstuff) tentacles. All the areas were also tidied up with greenstuff (to fill in any holes, make the joins less obvious, extend armour plates, etc.) during the course of making the model.

So at this moment in time I have around 400 points of tyraninds (though with only one ‘troops choice’ thus far) to borrow to anyone I know who wants to learn the game.