I’ve done a little reorganising, painted a few more models, and finally got the army up to 1000 points. I dare say it’s not a very competitive army at this stage (as I’ve had to include a lot of special characters just to make up the points) - but at least it is something I can use in a 1000 points game. Anyway, here’s a quick photo of the army as it stands at the moment (with a more detailed rundown to follow):
The one model that 40K folks might not recognise here is the robot looking figure that I will be using for an ogryn (I’ll eventually do a squad of these guys):
I remember that the imperial guard used to be able to field robots back in the day, and since I don’t really want to use any abhumans in the army I thought I might proxy them for some robot-looking figures. So for this one I have used most of the parts from a plastic mech figure that you can get from EM4 Miniatures (well actually you get a box of 5 mechs for £2.50). But to make it look a little more 40K-ish I’ve used most of an old powerfist to make one of its arms, and modified a grenade launcher somewhat to make the ripper gun arm. It also has an aerial from a vox-unit added to the top.
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