Wednesday 12 March 2008

Standard Bearer Conversion

This one was a little more in depth than the last:

For the right arm I started with a regular sergeant arm and cut away the laspistol and the hand. Then I took a grenade throwing arm and drilled/cut out the grenade so that the flag pole would fit snugly into the hand. Next I cut the hand from the arm and glued it to the aforementioned sergeant’s arm (tidying it up with a bit of greenstuff).

For the left arm I started with the other regular sergeant arm and cut/filed away the sergeant stripes and cut away the chainsword. I then took the laspistol (which I had left over from the right arm conversion) and after cutting away the right hand, glued it in place. I then had to do a bit of tricky filling/sculpting with some greenstuff to make the trigger finger look right, and also reshape the handle.

The banner itself is straight from a bretonian (WHFB) command sprue - though I had to cut/file away the hand attatched to it. I also added a purity seal from the marine (tactical upgrade) sprue I have lying around – just to make it look a little more like the one pictured in the codex.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep it up man, your army is coming along nicely!